The Story of Nori
Come Behind the Steam

Hi There!
I’m Courtney and I used to iron my clothes with a hair straightener.
There, I said it. After years of frustration with leaky steamers, clunky ironing boards, and expensive dry cleaning, I found DIY hacks to be quicker, more compact and more effective than existing market solutions.

Sound like a market in need of some serious innovation?
I thought so too!
So over a number of years, a team of friends, engineers, investors, advisors, ambassadors and my co-founder, Annabel, helped me to create an exciting and thoughtful clothing care brand for the next generation. What's that saying... It takes a village? In our experience, hardware takes a country.
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
Press Without the Stress
The Means Behind the Steam
We invested such time and effort in order to create an innovative product that truly works. All you have to worry about is the no's.
No Ironing Boards, Leakage or Burn Marks
No Recurring Dry Cleaning Expense
Oh, and most importantly, no more wrinkles.

Turning the Ironing Industry Upside Down
Nori spelled backwards is IRON.
From our conception, we wanted our brand to change the existing perception of ironing. That meant designing for consumers instead of retailers, injecting brand into a previously mundane market, and providing a transparent and accessible shopping experience online.